List Your Sun City Open HousesThe weekly Sun City Open House list will be available at the guard gate along with the Welcome Center at the Sunset View Clubhouse. The Welcome Center is open Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00am to 1:00pm for potential buyers.
To include your open house(s) on our handout, please visit this page anytime between Monday at 8:00am to Thursday at 4:00pm and complete the form below.
All information must be received no later than Thursday at 4:00pm to be included in the weekend listing.
Please use the following formats for your entries to help create a uniform appearance:
- Sales price: 6 or 7 digits with comma separators
- Property address: Do not include city, state, or zip code
- Square footage: 4 digits plus a separating comma
- Hours: 11-2PM, 9:30-1PM - Note: Please use capitals (AM/PM)
* Bold Fields are Required