Clubs & Groups
With more than 80 Chartered Clubs, Resident Groups and support groups, Sun City Palm Desert has something for everyone. Discover a new passion or revisit a familiar hobby while making new friends. With options including pickleball, tennis, golf, woodworking, hiking, quilting, gardening, and photography, you are sure to find a group (or groups) that align with your interests. Click on the menu items to the left to learn more about Sun City Palm Desert groups.
- Art
- BZBs Needlecrafts
- Ceramics
- Creative Arts
- Glass Arts Club
- Homecrafters (woodworking, etc.)
- Jewelry
- Quilters
- Stitch and Sew
- Writer's Circle
- Astronomy
- Canasta
- Card (gin rummy, hearts, scrabble, etc.)
- Duplicate Bridge
- Mah Jongg
- Open Card Play (on regular N&V calendar)
- Rummy Q
- Social Bridge
- (See also Informal Groups)
- BZBs (Linus blankets, etc.)
- Hadassah (fundraising)
- Neighbors 4 Neighbors (rides and helping hands)
- Stitch & Sew (sew for preemies and CV Rescue Mission)
- World of Women (fundraising for charities)
- Let's Compute Technology
- Beginning to advanced classes, Color, B&W, and High-Res Photo printers
- 3 D Printer, Macs and PCs with large screens, scanners and more
- Ballet (class in Fitness Calendar in N&V)
- Line Dance
- Love to Dance (ballroom, tap, etc.)
- Zumba (class in Fitness Calendar in N&V)
- Astronomy
- Forum (topical discussions)
- Genealogy
- Home and Garden
- Financial
- Let's Compute
- Photography
- AA
- Alzheimer's
- Grief and Loss
- Stroke Survivors
(Check Fitness Calendar in News & Views)
- Aquasize (class)
- Aquatics –
- Arthritis (class)
- Aqua Zumba (class)
- Ballet (class)
- Chair Yoga (class)
- Hiking
- Hula (class)
- Meditation
- Self Defense (class)
- Step Aerobics (class)
- Tai Chi (class)
- Trim 'n' Tone
- Yoga & Pilates
- (See also: Dancing; Sports)
- Home & Garden
- Food & Wine Connoisseurs
- Wine Tasters
- Genealogy
- Canadian Club and Friends
- Italian Heritage Club & Friends
- Mountain Vista Couples
- Couples Putters
- Ladies 9-Hole
- Lady Putters
- Mountain Vista Men's
- Men's Niners
- Menz Putterz
- Mountain Vista Ladies
- Astronomy
- Car
- Catch-and-release fishing (fishing lake)
- Genealogy
- Home & Garden
- Homecrafters (woodworking, etc.)
- Movies (on regular calendar in N&V)
- Photography
- Writer's Circle
- Yacht (radio-controlled sailboat models)
- (see also Arts and Crafts)
- Financial
- Car
- Yacht (radio-controlled sailboat models)
- Karaoke (on regular calendar in N&V)
- Music Buffs (big-name entertainers)
- Performing Arts
- Sun City Singers (four-part harmony)
- Ukulele Friends
- Dog Parks
- Pet Lovers
- Performing Arts
- Sun City Singers (four-part harmony)
- Photography
- Democrats in Sun City
- Forum (non-partisan discussion groups)
- SCPD Republicans
- Chabad
- Friendship Church
- Hadassah
- Sun City Jewish Services
- Solos
- Boomers & Friends
- Italian Heritage
- Karaoke
- Rainbow Circle
- Solos
- World of Women
- (see also: Geographical Areas)
- Billiards
- Bocce
- Cyclists
- Fun City Bowlers
- Hiking
- Ping Pong
- Racquet (tennis, pickle and paddle)
- Softball (for both men and women)
- Water Volleyball
- (see also: Fitness clubs & Classes; Golf)
- AA
- Alzheimer's
- Grief and Loss
- Stroke Survivors
- Cyclists
- Hiking
- RV
(not chartered clubs; find these through networking, or start your own)
- Bible study
- Bridge
- Bunco
- Hand & Foot (card game)
- Mah Jongg
- Mexican Train (dominoes)
- Movie-going and critiquing
- Red Hats
- RummyQ
- Pan